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“If it doesn’t happen to you, it doesn’t happen at all.” |
During my day offs I do nothing but watch films. I just recently finished watching Paper Towns today and I tell you in my honest opinion, I like this better than The Fault in our Stars (TFIOS). I have read and watched TFIOS, the book was okay and the film... I think I wasted one hour and thirty minutes of my life (no offence). Though I wasn't able to read Paper Towns (as TFIOS disappointed me) I like the film because it gave me a positive feeling, it gave me hope that my life though it may seem boring (I guess) I am grateful for my family, where I am right now and my boyfriend. I still dream about my life being cool and exciting like in the films I watch, in the books I read or how I wish I am to be.. someday.
With the internet, you see bloggers or just even a person you follow in Instagram go to Paris, see her/his paintings/drawings or just know what she/he is up to, is something you wish to happen in your life too. Right? I get that feeling.. at times. I am really envious to see people's paintings and drawings. They can express themselves and get their imaginations sketched on a paper. Isn't that amazing? They have the talent, the skills that other people wish they have. I cannot express myself (well blogging is considered but I am not a very good writer, my English is just basic). I can't get my thoughts straight, I am unsure if I am using the correct terms and I feel like my posts are just.. nothing. But the important thing is, I am happy with blogging.
So what has this ranting (?) something to do about the film? Well, BIG PART. As neighbours and childhood friends, Quentin and Margo did fun things together but unfortunately they grew apart. Margo likes unlocking mysteries, adventures and she is a risk taker (from what I see) and Quentin is shy and has goals to finish his school, get a job and get married. That's it. He forgot that on the other side of life, while you are young, you need to get out of your comfort zone and try different things because one day you will think about it and will regret not doing it.
One thing that really struck me was.. the ending. Well not really struck but it touched my heart.
I might spoil the film a little bit but I am not going through details.
One night Margo went to Quentin's house to borrow the car of his mother. This is where they got contact with each other after a long year. To make it short they had an adventure for Quentin it was more than just an adventure it was night to remember before he leave high school.
Margo to Quentin:
“Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be the last; the last shall be the first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting. But before we can radically reshape the world, we need to shop.”
The next day, when Quentin thought that he was going to have Margo back in his, life he was wrong. Margo did not show up to school ever again. Quentin being totally in love with Margo, he cannot stop thinking about her and one day he found clues on where Margo was. Quentin drove almost a day to Agloe, New York (a 'fake' town created by the cartographers) where he hoped to find Margo and eventually go back home and start of something greater and fall in love. Before he graduates from high school, he wanted something to hold on to, something that he can look back and smile....
But things did not go the way he thought about it, Margo ran away to pull herself together. She did not want to be just the popular and beautiful girl in school she wants more than that. Though Quentin felt shattered, he tried his best to respect Margo's decision and move on with his life, pursue college and eventually have a successful career. The journey he had during the night was something he will hold on to forever and because of Margo he was able to live a life he did not know he can. A lot of firsts and lasts. Quentin might not have end up with his dream girl but he has his best friends. People who will not leave him forever. People he can call on to whenever he needs to.
The truth hurts... but we have to accept the fact that we cannot have everything we wish or dream of. Behind those broken dreams, we still have a life to live. There are still many things to dream and wish for. We just have to look deeper and closer.
My life is not perfect at all. Like normal human being, I wish to live my fantasies but I think it's either I do not have the courage or God may have better plans for me.. the unexpected ones.
Where I am right now, I never dreamed this until I finished my college. I thought I have all things planned out but I had a changed of heart and I need to change career path in order to survive my everyday life (for personal reasons). I just pray to God that whatever challenges I may encounter or problems may come I pray He is there to guide and give me courage.
Now that the end is near with my internship, I have a bittersweet feeling. I am sad to leave my life here, the people I knew, friends I found and this place... I fell in love with the place. I love that I am close with Mother Nature especially the lake is just ten minutes drive. I can always go there bring my book and reflect. But everything has to end in order for another greater chapter to start.
Love, Berries and Lilies
So if you have watched Paper Towns, where do you think girls like Margo end up? I want to hear from you dear. X