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Favorites from last summer

Good day and happy first day of Fall! 

It's been so long since I last written a blog post in my page. My life had been pretty crazy which is not an excuse at all but forgive me, lovelies. I've been working ten hours a day and we have been doing so much cleaning and organizing in our small apartment. I guess I was just busy being a lazy and uninspired adult. A kind of adult who just exists, work, pay the bills and does not live her life to the fullest. Ahhh, excuses excuses....

Anyway, here are some of my favorite photos I took from April through September: more in my Instagram

Summer hike 

Snow on summer
At Eagle Trail at Lake Tahoe 

2. The Secret Garden (1993) - my favorite classic movie



Sorry for such a short and nonsense post
I need inspiration! </3 :'(