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I think I'm ready to learn more about Korean cuisine!

Just a heads up, the topic of this post is mostly about The Return of Superman ;-)

These past few weeks of being in quarantine. I've been binge watching The Return of Superman on YouTube. I've always loved this show since the triplets - Daehan, Minguk and Manse. Very very veryyyyy cute kids! Also you might remember this viral video from BBC News three years ago. They were also featured in the show but not for too long. I'm not sure why they didn't last long. Here's their link. Let me know what you think.

The Return of Superman is a popular reality tv show for Korean dads who babysit their babies/kids which I think is very unique and entertaining. I can't help but dream of my own kids someday. Hehe. My favorite thing they do is when they go to the convenient stores by themselves. You will see how easily distracted they are. Lol! If I would pursue a career in tv production, I'd be happily to apply for whatever position they have available. I currently love Jamjam and the Hammington brothers. Here's the link on YouTube if you're interested to watch it. E v e r y  s i n g l e time I watch the show I couldn't help but salivate on the foods they were eating. They all looked so good and delicious! This is the reason why I only watch the show in the morning. Lol!

Since we're in the middle of a pandemic, most Korean restaurants are closed. So there's no way I can have any of Korean foods besides ramyeon. Hence, why I decided to make Korean meatballs. I wanted to do something easy and fast. And thank God I already have most of the ingredients needed for this recipe. The only thing I didn't have was the Gochujang - a hot red pepper paste. This is our main ingredient for the meatballs and the glaze. (Oh yes, shoutout to my sister who was also the inspiration for this dish). I'm quite familiar with this ingredient. I've seen this in bibimbap which is one of my favorite Korean foods.

I never made meatballs from scratch before. I thought I was going to have a hard time looking for the ingredients. It was my main concern because I can't read nor speak Korean I also didn't want to spend most of my time in the store looking for ingredients because of the virus. But it went so quick in the store. Yay!

I uploaded my first vlog!

It was Friday the 13th when my employer told me I should take the time off since we don't have much to do anymore. At first I was scared that I might lose my job in the end. After that conversation,  I was quite relieved that I didn't lose it but I know that there's no guarantee until everything goes back to normal. It also finally sinked in to me that coronavirus is happening. It's becoming real. I thought just like SARS it shall pass by too but I was wrong. We were wrong. When 2020 came Coronavirus was the talk of the town. Everyone had something to say which made me anxious then the month of February came and we slowly started to see a dramatic decrease of conventions and events within our company. 

I just hope by this time, we have already took necessary steps on how we can survive this pandemic. But out of this uncertain times, there's a room where happiness resides. Somehow we can open that door. We can try to be happy and optimistic regardless of the reality. We can finally work on our forgotten hobbies or goals that we've put aside because of work. 

All these years after I graduated from high school I always dreamed of becoming a layout designer for a magazine even though I didn't land on that job. I never stop incorporating art or graphic design in my life if you may call it that. It might not make sense to you but it does to me. And since I found my interest in food I combined the two of them hence why I decided to create my blog. Of course just like an ordinary human being, I always struggle to never abandon my hobbies and interests just because of work. 

I would like to share this quote I always stick to when I feel uninspired and dull. It keeps me going.

"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."

I'm sure that all of us go through this and it's no fun. While I was at home in my living room, I was thinking that this might be the perfect time to try vlogging. This path is unknown for me but I just gave in and hope that I will enjoy it.

Whenever we have fun trips I'd like to document whatever I can for personal reasons and share it to my family and chosen friends since I live far away from them. Now that I have time, I hope that I can start working on my old footages from our previous trips. There's so much videos I shot but never made time to edit and share them. Hopefully this year I can commit to it. 

So here is my first time vlogging. This might be a very unsual vlog though since it's mostly house chores and errands. I hope you guys will still enjoy as much as I did :)