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International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day!

This blog entry is dedicated to the woman I look up to so much. She fought for her dreams and is living her life to give education to the children who can't go to school and at her sixteenth birthday she built her own school. 

"My father only gave me the name Malala. He didn't make me Malala."
I recently watched "He Named Me Malala" and it's my current favourite film. For a moment I imagined putting myself in Malala's shoes. I wondered what it was like at such a young age to be shot by a group of men just because you stood up and wanted to have a normal life as a young kid - to play, make friends, get scratches on your legs and most especially to go to school. But Malala had a different life.

In Swat Valley, a hundred miles drive from the capital of Pakistan. Where she was born and survived the horrible life. Mostly women were forbidden to get education, many innocent people were killed, police stations and schools were bombed every single day. Just imagine that kind of life it's pretty scary, it's a nightmare you wanted to get out of but unable to. Nowhere to run and hide. But there is one thing Malala held on to and it was her dream. To go to school, to learn and be educated.

I wish I have the same amount of courage and bravery Malala possess. Maybe my life could have been different. I will never forget what her father said,

"Education gives you the power to question things." 
And you will learn to be independent too. Maybe this is what the Taliban is afraid of all this time.  The people of Swat Valley will question everything and they will learn to fight for their rights. Thus, they forbid women to go to school, they burn televisions and books, they kill people whoever disobeys and they bomb schools and so on.

The reality is sad and the world news terrifies me because of the killings and bombings that is occurring. Let us pray for the world and the people behind these awful happenings.

Karen <3

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