Our promotional video for Issue 4 of Kinfolk Magazine (http://www.kinfolkmag.com), a quarterly publication based in Portland, OR. We are a growing community of artists, writers, designers, photographers, cooks and others who are interested in creating small gatherings and finding new things to cook, make, and do.“The stories in this volume share ideas for creating summer traditions and travels, whether that means planning months in advance or taking off for a last-minute weekend in the sun… We hope these stories will prompt you to try something new—or old—during the next few months. The meals and activities we promote with Kinfolk vary, but they are all based on our goal to create and strengthen relationships and to find more meaningful ways to connect and entertain.” —Editor Nathan WilliamsUnfortunately, Issue 4 is currently out of stock. Other issues and subscription options are available here: http://shop.kinfolkmag.com—The film is produced by Andrew and Carissa Gallo of Sea Chant (http://seachant.co), a stoytelling outfit based in Portland, OR. For photos, see http://seachant.co/an-ode-to-summer.
I'd like to share to all of my lovely readers my favorite video of all time. This video captured my heart and soul. I love how the message of this video connects with the visuals and the music.
Whenever I feel like the world shuts me down - the sky turns gray, the water stops to flow, and the flowers wilt. I quickly load this short video and for a moment everything seems so perfect and endlessly beautiful. It's like I am living in a new world where flowers dance, birds sing to me in the morning and the wind carries me around the world. Sometimes I watch it with my eyes closed and I make my own scenes in my head - I like it more that way but still everything about this video is so enchanting and lovely....
I hope you enjoy and love it as much as I do.
"Summer, after all is a time when wonderful things can happen to quiet people.
For those few months, you're not required to be who everyone thinks you are.
And that cut grass smell in the air, and the chance to dive into the deep end of the pool give you the courage you don't have for the rest of the year.
You can be grateful and easy, with no eyes on you, and no past.
Summer just opens the door and lets you out."
(Even though I haven't purchased any Kinfolk issue, I know buying one is worth it especially The Kinfolk Table Cookbook!
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