As I reflect on the past decade, I can't help but feel nostalgic about many things - from movies, music, and life in general. I couldn't help but feel quite emotional. I remember turning 20 was a BIG deal for me. I was thrilled to experience life itself. I get to do most things with less adult supervision. The last 29 years of my life were filled with adventures that led me to where and what I am today.
In less than 24 hours, I'll be 30. I'll be entering this new decade of my life. I'm a little scared but excited to
explore my 30s. In the meantime, I would like to share my top life learnings in my 20s.
1. Slowly develop healthy habits & ditch the bad ones
Whether it's money, food, or fitness, it's important to develop good and healthy habits. I know that ditching the bad ones isn't always easy. I still have a loooooot to work on.
2. Friendship breakups will happen and it's okay
I learned this the hard way. I thought having someone I knew most of my life could last forever. I thought our friendship could withstand everything but I was wrong. Eventually, I learned to accept the truth and live my life without them.
3. Print out your favorite memories/pictures
In our digital age where we have no limit of taking and storing our photos. It's so easy to forget about them and never get a chance to store them properly. I want to browse my photos without needing a gadget to access them.
4. Don't stress too much about not accomplishing all your goals
The last two decades of my life were mostly spent in school. We were trained to accomplish tasks within a given deadline. If we finished them, great. If not, we failed. Growing up in this kind of environment also made me think that I need to attain my goals before I turn 30.
The global pandemic in 2020 has resulted in mass layoffs in the hotel industry. I was working in one of the most prestigious hotels in Las Vegas and was in total shock when they notified me that I was one of the employees they needed to let go. We've recently moved to Las Vegas and I just started that new job for seven months. I thought I've reached a dead end with my career.
My husband and I had goals, one of our goals was becoming homeowners. But living with one income at that time in a new city was very difficult for us. In that experience, I learned to accept that it's okay if I didn't accomplish all my goals before turning 30.
Right now, we're both working hard to attain it while I also work on my personal goals.
5. No need to rush into a romantic relationship
Back then I thought I had to be in a relationship right away just because my friends were in one. Along the way, I learned that I didn't need to be in a relationship. Surprisingly, I was enjoying being single and living in my 20s.
If you're feeling this way, use this time to enjoy life with your friends. Dating in your 20s is one of the most interesting parts so don't rush to be in one.
6. Use this time to develop your hobbies
In my 20s, I learned that time was my biggest asset. Having no mortgage or car payments and with the support of my parents, I had the opportunity to professionally develop my skills in the kitchen. This opportunity also gave me a chance to work and live overseas.
7. Driving is a great skill to learn
One of the best feelings in the world is to be able to do your errands at your own pace and time without depending on another person. I also like the feeling of being able to help those people who can't drive yet or are unable to drive.
8. Trust in your own timeline
Don't get in the habit of comparing your life to another person.
9. Build your emergency fund
One of the most important life lessons I learned in my mid-20s and during the pandemic was to prioritize funding my emergency fund.
10. Spend time with good people who will support you in your highs and lows
When life gets tough, be with those people who will comfort you and continue to support you even if you fail. Also, be with those people who will celebrate you in your triumphs. They are your people, your safe space. Keep them! 😊

You got this girl!